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Schedule For Live Discussion Sessions (Excel file available here)

For individual papers, please check your paper clusters here.

Please be reminded that all talks will be viewable on demand, 24 hours per day, from 22 May to 30 June 2021 (HKT). So, you may watch the pre-recorded talks at a time of your own choosing, according to your own schedule (inclusive of plenaries, panels, and individual talks). The conference programme, on the other hand, is a schedule of the live discussion sessions. Each plenary, each panel, and each cluster of individual papers has been assigned two time slots in order to permit attendance for delegates living in all time zones in the world. Many presenters will only be able to attend one of the two sessions because of time differences, and this is to be expected (and has been unavoidable). We do encourage presenters to attend both if they can reasonably do so. We have given our utmost effort to accommodate all time zones equally, but inevitably some parts of the globe have been easier to accommodate than others. We have been somewhat constrained by the need to take care of our technical staff in Hong Kong, who need a good night's sleep every night as well as a working day of reasonable length. Please accept our apologies in advance if the schedule is less than ideal for you, but we hope you will understand our constraints.

(In Hong Kong Time)

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